Mid selection types drop down will not populate for the discovery schedule for some usersIssue Mid selection types drop down will not populate for the discovery schedule for some users Steps to reproduce : Log into the instance https://<instance-name>.service-now.comGoto Discovery schedules https://<instance-name>.service-now.com/discovery_schedule_list.doClick on the cloud discovery https://<instance-name>.service-now.com//$discovery_schedule_config.doIn the Add account tab select an Provider and give the schedule Name The right side the option to select the service account populatesClick on the select account and select an working account and it populates the others options then click NextIn the "Select Data Centers" tab click Next If you click on the MID Selection Type the drop down does not populate as shown in the below Image ReleaseALLCauseWhen you click on the MID Selection dropdown "cloud_schedule_config" API gets called in the background , this API intern would call the script include "CloudDiscoveryScheduleConfig" to get the drop-down values. Script Includes: CloudDiscoveryScheduleConfig Method: getMidSelectionMethods https://<instance-name>.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=%2Fsys_script_include.do?sys_id=96891f3953f313007f3c48f153dc348b As per the script includes the Choices for dropdown are shown only when the user is in the English language. ResolutionChange the user's language to English to populate the drop-down values. Goto https://<instance-name>.service-now.com/navpage.doClick on the Settings on the top right side Set the language to English