Cart icon not showing for catalog items in Search results page of Service PortalIssue Missing the Cart icon associated with catalog items in the search results page in the portalReleaseNew York and further releasesCauseService Catalog Search source script has been updated in Newyork Release and from now on it shows catalog item's picture instead of Cart icon. If a Catalog item picture is set it will get visible on the search result page.ResolutionIf you want to show cart icon, update the below line of script in 'Search page template' field of 'Catalogs' search sourcehttps://<instancename>[code]<i ng-if="!item.picture && !item.icon" class="ta-icon fa fa-shopping-cart"></i>[/code]To:[code]<i ng-if="!item.picture && item.icon" class="ta-icon fa fa-shopping-cart"></i>[/code]