User login fails with SAML2: TypeError: Cannot convert null to an object.Issue User login fails with SAML2: TypeError: Cannot convert null to an object.CauseTest connection works , but when users try to login via Single Sign On with Multi provider SSO, user login fails with SAML2: TypeError: Cannot convert null to an object. Use the right plugin and the correct Script include and Installation exits.ResolutionUse the right plugin and the correct Script include and Installation exits. 1. glide.authenticate.multissov2_feature.enabled = true 2. In the Identity Provider record , Go to Advance Tab --> Single Sign On Script : MultiSSOv2_SAML2_custom 3. Following installation exits and Script include are set to true. Plugin Type MultiSSOv2 MultiSSOv2 Script Include MultiSSOv2_SAML2_custom Installation Exit MultiSSOv2 MutliSSOLogin MultiSSOLogoutv2 4. Make sure the installation exits for SAML2 plugin is disabled ( Active to false) SAML2LogoutSAML2Logout_update1SAML2SingleSignonSAML2SingleSignon_update1 Related Links After upgrading to NewYork or Orlando , users are redirected to SSO Circle NOTE : Resolution is same , but error messages are different.