Configure discovery patterns for discovering events for cloud resourcesDescriptionIf your organization used Cloud API (CAPI) to discover cloud resources prior to using discovery patterns released on Store, CAPI is the default method of discovery. If events for the cloud resources are not discovered, you may need to configure the system to use patterns for discovering cloud resources. Notice that if you use CAPI to discover events, the result will be different after you switch to discovery patterns from Store. CAPI and discovery patterns collect and report events in a different way. InstructionsPrerequisites: Find out the exact name of the discovery pattern that you want to configure for discovering a cloud resource. For documentation about Discovery and Service Mapping patterns application released on Store, refer to ServiceNow product documentation. 1. In the Search filed in the Navigation pane, enter sn_capi_resource_type and press enter. The Cloud Resource Type window opens. 2. Display the Application column to be able to view which method is used for discovering cloud resources. a. On the Cloud Resource type window, click the Personalize List. b. Move Application into the Selected bucket and click OK. The Application column displays Cloud API for the default CAPI method or Discovery and Service Mapping patterns for discovery patterns released on ServiceNow Store. 3. Configure a discovery pattern to discover a product: a. Click Settings. b. Click Developer tab on the left. c. Select Cloud API from the Application list. d. Identify the row for the cloud resource for which you want to configure the pattern. e. Double-click the cell in the Pattern column and type the name of the pattern you deployed from Store. Click the green OK icon. Result: The configured pattern shows under Pattern column for this cloud resource.