Duplicate records created from Inbound Email Action when using both field actions and scripts with current.insert() or current.update()Issue There is no need to have current.insert() in the script when there is also a template. Business rule debugging might not help, and database logging will show two inserts but will not point to a business rule. You will recognize this behavior if you have an inbound action with: Field actions (template) definedThe script containing current.insert() or current.update() functionsDuplicated target records created when the inbound action executesIncoming emails recognized as new and creating two target records with the same number (non-unique) but some fields not populatedReleaseAnyCauseThe inbound action is processed in the following sequence: The script is calledThe Field actions (template) is appliedThe notification engine calls current.insert() or current.update() depending on the inbound action type When either current.insert() or current.update() is included in the script, this will cause all the Business Rules to be triggered twice, leading to unexpected results, including duplicated records.ResolutionComment out or remove the current.insert() or current.update() call from the script as it is redundant when using "field actions".