Discovery of any CI fails with "Could not redirect to Discovery status" error when clicking on Discover Now UI action from Discovery ScheduleIssue Discovery of any CI fails with "Could not redirect to Discovery status" error when clicking on Discover Now UI action from Discovery Schedule ReleaseNew York Patch 8CauseThe function that does the work of resetting the page back to "Discovery Status" which is called “discoveryNow” present in script include ‘Discovery’ is timing out.It is set by default to 10 seconds as per the script. View below.=======================================// Get the scheduler created discovery status, and update it with proper discover now description and sourcevar status = new GlideRecord('discovery_status');status.addQuery('scheduler_job', jobSysId);var timeoutSeconds = gs.getProperty('glide.discovery.discover_now_timeout', 10);// Searches for max of timeoutSeconds seconds.for (var attempts = 0; attempts < timeoutSeconds * 4; attempts++) {status.query();if (status.hasNext())break;gs.sleep(250);========================================Resolution1)Login to the instance 2)Navigate to sys_property table 3)Create “glide.discovery.discover_now_timeout” property and set the value to 30. 4)Re-run the discovery schedule and discovery runs without any errors.Related LinksList of Scripts that get triggered when you trigger Discovery Now UI action from the schedule: Please make sure all the scripts are up-to-date and rerun the discover now and that should fix the issue.