<h2>After Updating the Status field of Asset to retired, Operational Status of CI not getting updated.</h2><br/><div style="overflow-x:auto"><article><div ><h3 >Issue </h3><section><ul style="list-style-position: inside;"><li>The operational status field on the CMDB CI table is not getting updated when an asset status is updated to retired.<br /></li><li>Logically when an asset is set to retired state, it sets to install_sttaus, hardware_status, and Operational_status to retired. But here the same was not working.</li></ul></section></div><div ><h3 >Cause</h3><section><ul style="list-style-position: inside;"><li>While reproducing this issue, we observed below error in system logs</li></ul> <pre style="padding-left: 80px;">ci_state_management : UNPRIORITIZED_OPS_STATE: Unprioritized operational state [Retired]<br />Failed to update Operational Status via business rule<br />ci_state_management: Failed to update Operational Status via business rule: no thrown error<br />ci_state_management : UNPRIORITIZED_OPS_STATE: Unprioritized operational state [Retired]: no thrown error</pre> <ul style="list-style-position: inside;"><li style="text-align: left;">We investigated this further and found that "Sync Ops Status for CMDB CI" business rule and some/all records on "statemgmt_ops_state_pri" tables are missing.</li></ul></section></div><div ><h3 >Resolution</h3><section><ul style="list-style-position: inside;"><li>In order to fix this issue, the attached files are imported on the impacted instance. </li><li>The files contain "Sync Ops Status for CMDB CI" BR and configuration records on "statemgmt_ops_state_pri" table. After making these changes, the operational status is syncing without any issue. Below is the expected result.</li></ul> <p style="padding-left: 40px;"><img style="border: 2px solid black; align: baseline;" src="sys_attachment.do?sys_id=5bb66cc1db44b4d0471f9c41ba961954" width="1465" height="452" align="baseline" border="2" /></p> <ul style="list-style-position: inside;"><li><span style="background-color: #0000ff; color: #ffffff;">Note</span>: This issue may happen for other status transitions as well so the above solution can be checked/validated.</li></ul></section></div></article></div>