Difference between timezone of Scheduled report versus the compressed file in email(Zip file)SummaryBelow is the tested scenario in Out of the box instance. When the only file is attached(unchecked ZIP) in the scheduled report, It will show the time when you have downloaded the file depending on the system time.But when the file is Zipped(checked ZIP output) and when you extract the file, It is showing different TimeZone irrespective of the Instance timezone.(PDT). To avoid confusion and to understand better. After taking a step back, the comparison between "Zip Output" being checked/unchecked does not demonstrate a change in behavior.Consider the following scenario that can be tested outside of Service now.Locate a file that was created before today. Create a compressed version of this file (ZIP). Send the original file to yourself via email.Send the compressed file also to yourself via email. Save both files to disk and note the same behavior exists. So here, when you download the normal file/Attachment, you can see the download time.But when you download the ZIP file, it will also show the download time but when you extract the file, it will show the time before it is Zipped. Here is an Example for better understanding: present time: April 14th, 7:30 PMNormal file created: April 14th, 7:30 PMFile Zipped on April 15th. Now send the files via email and below are output: Present time: April 15th, 8:00 PMNormal file: April 15th, 8:00 PM (Download time)Zipped file: April 15th, 8:00 PM (Download time)Extracted file: April 14th, 7:30 PM So, As confirmed by our tests against out of the box instances and by Dev team, the instance timezone is not used and this is not a product defect but can be marked as a product enhancement. This requirement can be added to the Idea Portal, or it can be voted on (if it is already submitted). Our development teams will review and prioritize future releases based on feasibility and priority. For more information on Idea Management for Customer Enhancement Requests, see "Idea Management for Customer Enhancement Requests".