During login users looping to session_timeout.do and not getting login page mostly after cloneIssue During login users looping to session_timeout.do and not getting login page mostly after cloneCause$sp is set to false in the https://<instancename>.service-now.com/sys_public_list.do( i.e $sp is unchecked) . It is recommended by Service Portal team not to set $sp to false. i,e $sp should be active NOTE : If your Business needs is to have all Service Portal Pages go to SSO ( Single Sign On ) and you would like $sp to false when $ sp is false , you have to set the property as below https://<instancename>.service-now.com/sys_properties_list.doName : glide.entry.page.scriptValue : new CMSEntryPage().getEntryPage()Resolution$sp is set to true in the https://<instancename>.service-now.com/sys_public_list.do ( i.e $sp is checked) .