Troubleshooting AWS Cloud DiscoverySummary Check Servicenow Instance for errors. Pattern Logs (sa_discovery_log)Cloud API Trail (sn_capi_api_trail)Cloud Orchestrations (sn_cmp_order) Temporarily turn off credential caching. ECC Agent property a custom AWS member roleRestart MID Server Turn on Debug logging for MID Server. ECC Agent config: mid.log.leve=debugSearch for messages with following substrings AwsOrgAssumeRoleParamsFactoryresolveCredentialForAccountprepareAssumeRoleRequestacquireTemporaryCredentialFromAWSAWSSecurityTokenServiceException The above logs and description for substrings will help to further identify the issue and fix at the AWS configuration level issues.Look at customer's AWS CloudTrail for BOTH Main and Member Account. Login to their AWS Console and navigate to service 'CloudTrail'.Navigate to 'Event History'Show all EventsChange the filter to 'Event name' and enter 'AssumeRole'Also use the gear icon to add the 'Error code' column.Click on 'view event' button to get the JSON object for the event. ReleaseAllRelated LinksUseful docs: Assuming member roles with an AWS APIAWS Discovery error NullPointerExceptionDiscovery - Assume Role enhancements for AWS OrganizationsSet up a cloud account and service account for AWS