Breakdown widget using real-time indicator displays "No data to display" on the dashboard if it has scores collected for todayDescriptionA breakdown widget using real-time indicator displays "No data to display" on the dashboard if it has scores collected for the current date.Steps to Reproduce 1- Have a real-time indicator "Number of open incidents".2- Create a Data collection Job for the above indicator and set the relative end " 0 days Ago" to ensure the scores are collected for today.3- Run collection.4- Create a breakdown widget and add the indicator "Number of open incidents" as main indicator.5- Choose a breakdown - 'Age' and visualization as 'Pie'.6 -Add the widget to a dashboard.7- Go to the dashboard and notice that the widget displays - No data to display message.8- Now uncheck the "show real time scores" option from "other" tab on "indicator form".9- Go to the dashboard and notice the widget works.WorkaroundThis behaviour is expected and by design in all currently supported releases. As a workaround, update the data collection job to collect for the previous day.Related Problem: PRB1392861