How to troubleshoot a list issue of a List Report directly on a List View?DescriptionAny list issue related to List Reports is not a Report specific issue and can be replicated directly on a List View using the same conditions as on the Reports. Troubleshooting this type of issue from the Report itself is not easy. For example, if the issue happens to be with a derived field, you can't dot-walk without having to save your changes which will impact all users of the report. You can use a simple trick to create a List View from the Report with the exact same filter conditions as the Report. Using the generated report specific List View (name will be Rpt<sys id of report>. e,g - Rpt509383c5dbe90810a05684735b961998), you can then easily troubleshoot the list issue.InstructionsCreate or access a List Report.Click on the 'Configure' tab.If a 'Group by' is not configured, select any field in the 'Group by' dropdown that would generate a simple grouping (e.g. 'Active' field) and run the report (probably best NOT to save it):You should now see the groups listed on the list:Each group "title" is actually a hyperlink. Click on one of the group titles (for example on 'Active: false (5)') OR right-click on it and select the "Open Link in a New Tab" option.You should now see a List View where the filter conditions are the same as on the Report ('Caller = Joe Employee' in this example) + the group filter (Active = false).Remove the group filter condition ('Active = false' in this example) to get the same filter conditions as the original Report (without the Group by).