Risk Assessment is always setting Very highIssue There is a risk assessment which is used to gather the answers and set the risk based on the risk calculation through the threshold When the risk assessment is made or every time we click on calculate risk assessment the risk field is being set to very high Steps to reproduce: 1.Create Change Request by clicking on Create New under Change from Navigation2. Fill all the mandatory fields and submit the change.3. Now click on Risk Assessment ui action and fill the risk assessment questions with the last answers for every question which is of value '1'and click on submit button.4. Now the issue arises that whatever values you give it always set Very high.ReleaseOrlando Patch 1CauseThere is a script include called 'ChangeRiskAsmtSNC' which is used to calculate the score of the risk assessment questions In script include the function used to calculate the score is 'calcAsmtScore' In the previous versions the function havent used the normalized value for calculating the score But now please find the below code which mentions that normalized value is also considered in the orlondo version calcAsmtScore: function(asmtInstanceId) {var score = 0;var ga = new GlideAggregate(this.ASMT_METRIC_RESULT);ga.addActiveQuery();ga.addAggregate("SUM", this.NORMALIZED_VALUE);ga.addQuery(this.INSTANCE, asmtInstanceId);ga.addNotNullQuery(this.NORMALIZED_VALUE);ga.addQuery(this.NORMALIZED_VALUE, ">=", "0");ga.groupBy(this.INSTANCE);ga.query();if (ga.next())score = ga.getAggregate("SUM", this.NORMALIZED_VALUE);ResolutionIncreasing the threshold of the very high from the current value will resolve the issueBecause with the threshold mentioned the normalized value is meeting the very high option threshold