Error "Only one wrapper service is allowed for a MID server" when starting or installingIssue When installing/starting a MID server using the installer/start batch files, you may see the following in the MID logs: MidServer Name: MIDPath: C:\MID Server\xyz\agentPlease find below are the installer logs:Apr 28, 2020 11:27:50 AM com.service_now.mid.installer.OutputHandler infoINFO: InstallerUI is initialized. from here onward - gui interactions.Apr 28, 2020 11:28:12 AM com.glide.util.GlideProperties refreshPropertiesINFO: Refreshing GlideProperties from .Apr 28, 2020 11:28:12 AM com.glide.util.GlidePropertiesLoader loadPropertyFileINFO: Loading properties file: C:\MID Server\xyz\agent\.\properties\glide.propertiesApr 28, 2020 11:28:16 AM com.service_now.mid.installer.OutputHandler errorSEVERE: Unable to connect to instance.Apr 28, 2020 11:29:02 AM com.service_now.mid.installer.OutputHandler infoINFO: saving configuration files !Apr 28, 2020 11:29:02 AM com.service_now.mid.installer.OutputHandler infoINFO: configuration files were savedApr 28, 2020 11:29:05 AM com.service_now.mid.installer.OutputHandler infoINFO: calling MID server starting script....Apr 28, 2020 11:29:05 AM com.service_now.mid.installer.OutputHandler infoINFO: the script is C:\MID Server\xyz\agent\start.batApr 28, 2020 11:29:05 AM com.service_now.mid.installer.OutputHandler infoINFO: Only one wrapper service is allowed for a MID server. Make sure that there is not another service under a different name for this MID server.ReleaseOrlando CauseOne potential cause is that the batch files were not being launched with administrator privileges.ResolutionMake sure you are launching the installer/start batches with administrator rights