Phone URL is not supported in the Virtual Agent on Agent/Now Mobile AppsPhone URL is not supported in the Virtual Agent on Agent/Now Mobile Apps. It is supported on the Classic Mobile App. Steps to reproduce: Instance: New York Patch 7. Mobile Apps: Classic Mobile App, Agent Mobile App(10.0.0) Plugins: Glide Virtual Agent and Virtual Agent Designer 1. Create a Virtual Agent "Call Service". 2. Add a Link Boot response with URL "tel:012345678". 3. Publish the topic. 4. Access this top in Virtual Agent on the Classic Mobile App. 5. Click on "Call Service". The App call the number with the Mobile Phone. 6. Repeat 4~5 on the Agent/Now Mobile App. The App goes to a blank page instead of calling the number. Confirmed with Dev team, this feature is not supported in the Virtual Agent on Agent/Now Mobile Apps at this stage. This will be an enhancement request.