Dashboard Breakdown Source filter preferences are saved/stored for userDetailsDashboard Breakdown Source filter preferences are saved/stored for user and will be loaded when user logs in again. One can add breakdown sources to a dashboard. Users then can select a breakdown element to filter data in the Performance Analytics widgets that have been added to the dashboard. Steps to Reproduce: Log into an instance (with any user)Create a breakdown source and add it to a dashboardSelect that breakdown source and select one or more breakdown elements to filter scores in the visualizations on the dashboard.For example, a dashboard that uses the breakdown source Incident.Category enables users to select a category from the list.Select "Database" as category from the breakdown elements so that the widget filter scores in the visualizations on the dashboard according to the category "Database". Screenshot below: Now log out from the instanceNow log in again with the same user and open the same dashboard and you will notify the dashboard breakdown source filter preferences are saved for user.In this scenario, the breakdown source Incident.Category will have "Database" as category selected automatically as it is savedThese dashboard preferences for the users are stored in table "sys_canvas_preferences"Additional InformationGo through Using breakdowns on Dashboards to know about how to create/add breakdown sources to a dashboard