'year to date' and 'fiscal year to date' doesn't work for weekly indicatorDescriptionAs per below documentation, it is possible to apply 'year to date' and 'fiscal year to date' time series for weekly indicators but in reality it doesn't work. https://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=applying-time-series-aggregations.html&version=latest#d533395e106Steps to Reproduce 1. create new indicatorname: test_indicatorunit: #group: incidents openthen click next2. choose 'incidents.open' as indicator sourceclick next till the end3. create jobs for this indicator4. open the created indicatior 'test_indicator' and click ui action 'Show Analytics Hub'5. make sure that the top right time series is set to 'Year to Date Sum' observe the missing data 6.now change the time sries to 'By fisical year Sum+'then data appearsNote: it doesn't work for the aggregations of below type: 1. Year to date2. Fisical year to datethe (Year to date and Fisical year to date) don't work as stated in NY documentationsummary: 4w running, 13w running cannot be applied on weekly indicator.WorkaroundThere is no workaround for it yet and most likely documentation needs to be updated.Related Problem: PRB1396017