Workspace URL routingDescriptionWhenever a tab / breadcrumb / module / drilldown / deeplink occurs, the URL will automatically update to represent the current content state. Conversely, whenever the URL updates, the tab / breadcrumb / module / drilldown / deeplink state will update to match. This occurs when a user: Clicks refreshUses the browser back or forward buttonsShares a URL with a coworker URLs are divided into two halves: selected parent content and selected leaf content. For example: Selected main tab / selected sub tabSelected module / selected drilldownSelected module / last breadcrumb in breadcrumb trail These two URL halves are divided by the term sub in the URL. If there is no child, or the child is the same as the parent (e.g. Incident -> Incident Details), then there is no sub. The same URL pattern is used for the parent content as the leaf content: The first URL slug represents the type of content being shown: [moduleId], [renderer_type], new_record, full_searchIf a module is selected, it's the moduleId e.g. home or listIf not, it's the renderer_type, e.g. record or mapSearch and New Records are special cases represented by the slugs new_record and full_search respectively. However, search will soon be migrated to its own renderer_type.If the content has a table and/or sys_id, these are included next in the URL, e.g. /record/incident/123params come next, serialized into the form params/name1/value1/name2/value2 etc. So {params: {foo: '123', bar: 'abc'}} becomes /params/123/bar/abc Example #1 Main Tab: {table: 'incident', sys_id: '123', params: {readonly: true}}Sub tab: {table: 'case', sys_id: '456', params: {query:'impact=3'}URL: /record/incident/123/params/readonly/true/sub/case/456/params/query/impact%3D3 Example #2 Module: HomeDrilldown: {render_type: 'list_drilldown', params: {query: 'table=incidents'}}URL: /home/sub/list_drilldown/params/query/table%3Dincidents Example #3 Breadcrumb trail: List (with params {listId: '123'})-> INC003 -> CASE001 -> Account001 (with params {readonly: false})URL: /list/params/list-id/123/sub/record/account/001/params/readonly/false Example #4 Main Tab {table: 'alert', sys_id: '456'}Sub tab: {render_type: 'alert_map', sys_id: '456', params: {alertUpdatedTime: ‘2019-02-05 12:00:00’}URL: /record/alert/456/sub/alert_map/456/params/alert-updated-time/2019-02-05%2012%3A00%3A00Release or EnvironmentOrlando