REST call fails with " PKIX path building failed..."Issue Outbound REST(https) call fails with: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested targetCauseThis usually indicates a missing public certificate of the end point on the instance.ResolutionIf the endpoint team has provided the public certificate please go ahead and create a new "Trust Store Certificate" on the instance. If the certificate was not provided, you can run the following Openssl command to print the public certificate/s of the end point. openssl s_client -connect <hostname/IP address>:<port> -showcerts Run an openssl command to retrieve the public cert of the endpointFrom the resulting output copy the certificate between the following lines, including the lines-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----------END CERTIFICATE-----Create a new X509 certificate on the instance and paste the text copied in step 2. in the PEM certificate string field and save.