Event processor - Default Out Of Box configuration.Issue This knowledge article will document the Out OF Box configuration for the events processor job. CauseYou may experience a miss configuration of the events processor job and find too many events processors per node. This can happen if a instance is configured incorrectly and occasionally after a clone resulting in too many events processors. Normally this does not have any adverse affects, but can affect performance and cause contention on the database if a scenario arrives where there are too may events to process triggered by a backlog of events. ResolutionThe event processor jobs are located within the System scheduler, schedules. You can list them by navigating to the System Scheduler. URL to the scheduler list: https://xxxxxx.service-now.com/sys_trigger_list.do?sysparm_query=&sysparm_view= To list the configured events processor jobs: https://xxxxxx.service-now.com/sys_trigger_list.do?sysparm_query=nameSTARTSWITHevents%20process&sysparm_view= By default each node should have one events processor configured. There are special values for the system_id field called "ALL NODES" and "ACTIVE NODES". These types of scheduled jobs were introduced in later versions of ServiceNow. The way that "ALL NODES" works is that it automatically creates a duplicate of itself, one for each node in the cluster - including nodes on the secondary side of the High Availability cluster (i.e. the passive/standby nodes). An example of an "ALL NODES" job would be the "Reduce System Resources" job. This job needs to run all the time on all nodes to free up resources that may have not been released by the Java Virtual Machine - avoiding critical performance dangers. The way that "ACTIVE NODES" works is similar except that they run only on nodes on the active (or primary) side of the cluster. The original, "ALL NODES" or "ACTIVE NODES" job acts as a kind of controller for the duplicates. If you update the controller job, then a business rule named "Propagate run all nodes changes" will fire that makes sure all the duplicates are setup correctly. However, this update only happens in the business logic layer, so it will not happen when you run a MySQL command. If you find you have too many events processors configured. You can raise a case with ServiceNow customer support who will review the configuration and correct if necessary.