The "Approvals" record under "To-dos configuration" does not work with the dynamic filter: One of My ApprovalsIssue When accessing the To-do page on portal, which contains the oob widget "HRM Todos Summary", the list of actions is presented to the left. The list is shown correctly when the "To-dos configuration" --> "Approvals" condition is: Approver | is (dynamic) | me , (see attached screendump to_dos_working) But when changning to this: Approver | is (dynamic) | One of My Approvals , it does not work. Then neither own approvals or delegated approvals are shown (see attached screendump "to_dos_not_working")CauseThis defect is due to the Dynamic option 'One of my approvals' that calls "getMyApprovals()" which is a method defined in a global business rule accessible from global only. When trying to call this Dynamic option from a non-global scope the to-dos list will return empty. This affects delegates that are unable to see Approvals under my To-dos in the ESC (Employee Service Center) portal.ResolutionThe fix is found in Orlando, however, to fix any other version the customer can create their own API to use if they need the specific functionality of the global getMyApprovals API for to-do.