VTB card-records do not appear in flexible board if 'lane' values are set to 'swim-lane' valuesIssue It has been found that when a Flexible Visual Task Board consists of regular 'lanes' and 'swim-lanes', if the 'lane' values are incorrectly set as the 'swim-lane' values, the cards under those 'lanes' will not display on the board. It is not possible that these incorrect values can be set from VTB-end. They must be updated from the list-view (/vtb_card_list.do) or form-view. Find the list of lanes and swim-lanes on the board:- https://INSTANCE.service-now.com/vtb_lane_list.do?sysparm_query=board%3DsysIdOfTheBoard%5EORDERBYis_swim_laneThen find the list of cards (grouped-by lanes) on the board:- https://INSTANCE.service-now.com/vtb_card_list.do?sysparm_query=board%3DsysIdOfTheBoard%5EGROUPBYlane Compare the above two urls to find if any lanes contains cards where the lane-values are also set as swim-lanes from the first url (is-swim-lane = true).ResolutionAs an 'admin', you can open the below list and update the 'Lane' value to something that is not a 'swim-lane' value associated with that board (example: New), and it should fix the issue to display the missing cards accordingly:- https://INSTANCE.service-now.com/vtb_card_list.do?sysparm_query=board%3DsysIdOfTheBoard%5Elane.is_swim_lane%3Dtrue%5EGROUPBYlane