Missing Overall Status Values in Project Investment Portal ColumnIssue The Overall Status column is not showing any values within the Project Investment Portal. The column should be displaying a Status of: Green, Yellow, or Red associated with the Project. Investment Portal view Overview tab ➔ Status ➔ Overall column does not display dataCauseThe Status Dictionary Entry on Project would have Custom choices. Out of the Box, the Dictionary Entry for Status has Green,Yellow, Red choices. ResolutionThe "Overall" Status displays value for respective Project ➔ Status ( Green,Yellow, Red). The "Status" column group are special column that doesn't support custom choice values on Investment Portal.Change the choices back to their default options, the problem should be resolved. NEXT STEPS: Navigate to System Definition ➔ DictionaryIn the Table column search for "planned_task" and in the column name search for "Status" and go to the recordRevert to Out of the Box choices and save the record.