Cannot access ideas after Innovation Management plugin is active/after Idea Portal migration (Map existing ideas with new idea categories)Issue After activating the new Innovation Management plugin, you will have access to the new Idea Portal application. This application uses a whole new method of Idea engagement, including a portal where Ideas are created with a new UI and connected to Categories. In addition, new security ACLs have been installed (or updated) which prevent users from accessing ANY Ideas which do not have categories associated with them. For this reason, in the Migrating from the legacy Ideas application to Idea Portal documentation, it is noted that "Note: You must map an existing idea with appropriate categories for your ideas to appear in the Idea Portal." This documentation will give you steps on how to do that. *If you do not map new categories with your older, existing Ideas, they will not be accessible by any user (other than admin)ReleaseNew York+Resolution*Before you can associate an existing Idea with a category, you need to create a New Category. If you haven't created a new Idea Module, just use the 'Internal' module. Once you create all Categories needed, you are ready to associate your existing Ideas with the newly created Categories. The below needs to be performed for each idea you wish to map. Navigate to the im_m2m_idea_category table (type im_m2m_idea_category.list in the Filter Navigator and click ENTER)Click NEWClick the magnifying glass icon for 'Category' (Even though this is read-only, it will still be editable)In the following pop-up, we need to associate the Idea Category table (im_category) and the Category we wish to link to our desired Idea Under 'Table name', select 'Idea Category [im_category]'Under 'Document', click the magnifying glass and select the Category you set up that you wish to map to your desired Idea Click OKSelect the desired Idea in the Idea fieldClick SUBMIT Step 2: Create a new many 2 many Category mapping record Step 3: Adding the Category table and Category Step 4.1: Selecting the Idea Category [im_category] table Step 4.2: Selecting the Idea Category you wish to map