License Key Issue in wrapper-license.conf of Mid Server after Manual UpgradeIssue After applying a manual upgrade to the mid server, you may have issues with the restart. Upon inspection of the wrapper.log you will see something similar to this: 2020/04/01 12:38:00 | --> Wrapper Started as Service2020/04/01 12:38:00 | Java Service Wrapper Standard Edition 64-bit 3.5.362020/04/01 12:38:00 | Copyright (C) 1999-2018 Tanuki Software, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.2020/04/01 12:38:00 | http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.com2020/04/01 12:38:00 |2020/04/01 12:38:00 | License Error:2020/04/01 12:38:00 | The License Key does not authorize the use of this version of the Wrapper.2020/04/01 12:38:00 | Upgrade term is 2015-09-11 to 2018-09-11. This version's release date is 2018-09-21.2020/04/01 12:38:00 |2020/04/01 12:38:00 | The Java Service Wrapper requires a License Key to activate the2020/04/01 12:38:00 | software. Licenses can be purchased on the Java Service Wrapper2020/04/01 12:38:00 | web site:2020/04/01 12:38:00 | 12:38:00 |2020/04/01 12:38:00 | You can also immediately obtain a one-month Free trial license:2020/04/01 12:38:00 | 12:38:00 |2020/04/01 12:38:00 | License Keys can be generated for the following HostId:2020/04/01 12:38:00 | HostId #1: XXXXXXXXXXXX2020/04/01 12:38:00 |2020/04/01 12:38:00 | You may include license keys for several servers within a single file by2020/04/01 12:38:00 | prefixing the property names of each key with their respective2020/04/01 12:38:00 | server host name or HostId. Please use the following syntax:2020/04/01 12:38:00 | wrapper.<hostname|hostid>.license.*.2020/04/01 12:38:00 | The host name of this machine is: XXXXXXXXXXReleaseAny and AllCauseThe wrapper-license.conf file may be expired. ResolutionGeneral practice has been to overwrite all config files in the conf folder with the current ones from the previous installation, however it may be a good idea to keep the wrapper-license.conf in place and NOT overwrite it with the older one.