Change the content of "Make your life easier, create a dashboard!"DescriptionThe request is to change the content of "Make your life easier, create a dashboard!". Please find the screenshot below. This can be achieved by following the below steps. Please perform the steps in sub-prod or OOTB instance before proceeding it to production. 1. Login to the instance and navigate to System UI -> Messages 2. Click on New and fill the form as mentioned below Below are the Keys for your reference. You need to create separate messages for each key. We cannot delete the content, but we can change it. Key = Did you know you can create a dashboard version of this homepage? Dashboards are like homepages, but easier to use. Key = Dashboards have a drag-and-drop canvas that lets you easily add, move, and resize widgets. You can also add multiple tabs. Flexible sharing lets any user view and collaborate on dashboards with you! Click on submit after updating the messages for Key. The result will be as below. You can still modify heading and hyperlink by creating keys as mentioned below. Key = Make your life easier, create a dashboard! Key = Don't ask me again Key = Remind me later Below is the sample if all keys are applied Additional Information How to disable user message appear on homepage 'Make your life easier and create a dashboard'. Refer below KB.