How to properly re-install slack Now Actions applicationSummaryScope of this article is to describe how to properly reinstall Slack Now Action application. ReleaseNew York and laterInstructions Step 1: Remove all the records from below table which belong to "Slack" Provider, do not remove records belong to other Provider such as "Microsoft Team" Provider. messaging_applicationhash_message_verificationtoken_verificationmessage_authmessaging_channelprovider_user_map Step 2: Clear out any residual from old slack workspace Step 3: Install Now Actions application from ServiceNow instance by System Notification > Messaging Integration Configuration > Install Related LinksCheck that you do not see the following error message when sending a message. If you do, it means Slack Now Actions was not reinstalled correctly. Error messaging: component="Event Endpoint" provider=slack origin=messaging teamId=xxxxxxxxx messaging application not found: no thrown error com.glide.ui.ServletErrorListener