Affected CI's are not being copied over from Vulnerability to Change TicketDescriptionAfter clicking on 'Create Change' is that it doesn't navigate to the Change record that has been created.Since it doesn't redirect us to the Change record that was just created, we have to navigate to 'Change > Open' and find the correlating Change record that had just been created and open it.Once in the change record, you will see that 'Affected CI' and 'Vulnerability Group' related lists do not populate.CauseChange management Core Plugin is not activated so code is breaking as close_code validation is tying to happen and it does not have sys_dictionarym2mVgChange.previous_cr_state = this.mapCrState(m2mVgChange.change_request.state, m2mVgChange.change_request.close_code.toString());ResolutionAs a workaround, in the below script include/ line no.370m2mVgChange.previous_cr_state = this.mapCrState(m2mVgChange.change_request.state, m2mVgChange.change_request.close_code.toString());WITHm2mVgChange.previous_cr_state = this.mapCrState(m2mVgChange.change_request.state,'');The ideal workaround would be to activate Change Management Core(ID: com.snc.change_management )Please check with your Admin with respect to Licensing as Support does not have visibility to your entitlements, and activate this Plugin if that works for you - That will install the fields required to run the vulnerability change.