Installing an application fails and closes the user session throwing an error in the locahost log file as java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError [org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.AuthPolicy]Issue On rare occasions, when installing an application, such as the Emergency Self Report application from the ServiceNow App Store, it will close the user session during the installation of the application and it fails to install it.CauseThis problem does not occur frequently, but the class org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.AuthPolicy is required to install applications from the ServiceNow App Store. When it fails to install the application, such as the Emergency Self Report, and closes the user session, it will have the following entry in the localhost log file for the application node where the application was installed on - 2020-03-29 09:04:50 (036) worker.0 worker.0 txid=a38a8062dbff *** Start Background transaction - system, user: system2020-03-29 09:04:50 (042) worker.0 worker.0 txid=a38a8062dbff Starting: Install Application.e78a4c22dbff0c90ae943ebd7c96193a, Trigger Type: Once, Priority: 25, Upgrade Safe: true, Repeat: 2020-03-29 09:04:50 (042) worker.0 worker.0 txid=a38a8062dbff Name: Install Application2020-03-29 09:04:50 (134) worker.0 worker.0 txid=a38a8062dbff WARNING *** WARNING *** Get for non-existent record: sys_store_app:7b688745dbabc81085ab15ce3b9619ab, initializing2020-03-29 09:04:50 (376) worker.0 worker.0 txid=a38a8062dbff LicenseFrameworkUtils: fixTableLicensingConfig called for package 7b688745dbabc81085ab15ce3b9619ab2020-03-29 09:04:50 (377) worker.0 worker.0 txid=a38a8062dbff Fixing ua_table_licensing_config for package 7b688745dbabc81085ab15ce3b9619ab2020-03-29 09:04:50 (403) worker.0 worker.0 txid=a38a8062dbff Checking distribution oob_app storage for zip2020-03-29 09:04:50 (403) worker.0 worker.0 txid=a38a8062dbff Trying to get the AppZip for sn_imt_quarantine and version 1.0.32020-03-29 09:04:50 (403) worker.0 worker.0 txid=a38a8062dbff No local oob_app zip was found for app sn_imt_quarantine 1.0.32020-03-29 09:04:50 (405) worker.0 worker.0 txid=a38a8062dbff Downloading remote app pkg 7b688745dbabc81085ab15ce3b9619ab:1.0.3 to sys_attachment2020-03-29 09:04:50 (504) worker.0 worker.0 txid=a38a8062dbff DEBUG: Skipping nil parameter value for: sysparm_developer2020-03-29 09:04:50 (506) worker.0 worker.0 txid=a38a8062dbff Couldn't decipher the stack trace resulting from the following JavaScriptException:2020-03-29 09:04:50 (506) worker.0 worker.0 txid=a38a8062dbff SEVERE *** ERROR *** java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.AuthPolicy2020-03-29 09:04:50 (507) worker.0 worker.0 txid=a38a8062dbff SEVERE *** ERROR *** JavaScript evaluation error on:2020-03-29 09:04:50 (554) worker.0 worker.0 txid=a38a8062dbff Completed: Install Application in 0:00:00.508, next occurrence is null ResolutionRaise a case with ServiceNow Technical Support to restart the application node where the java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError is thrown. Users will not be impacted, as their session will be moved to the working application node without interruption, although they may experience a small delay during the transfer of their user session. Once the application node has been re-started, you should now be able to successfully install and access the application.