Users are not able to create update sets in scoped applications in spite of they have a "delegated developer" role.Issue Users are not able to create update sets in scoped applications in spite of they have a "delegated developer" role!!CauseFrom New york release, there is a new feature introduced to Manage update sets. Please refer: New features and products in New York It will Grant non-admin users permission to manage local and retrieved update sets. Allow users to create, update, and delete local update sets as well as preview, resolve conflicts, and commit retrieved update sets.ResolutionEnable below Deployment Permissions to allow the users with delegated developer role to work on update sets in scoped applications. Publish To Update Set Grants a user with an assigned delegated developer role permission to publish the associated application to an update set in the current instance.Note: Users with this permission cannot also have the Manage Update Set permission. Manage Update Set Grants a user with an assigned delegated developer role permission to manage local and retrieved update sets. This permission allows users to create, update, and delete local update sets as well as preview, resolve conflicts, and commit retrieved update sets.Note: Users with this permission cannot also have the Publish To Update Set permission. Note: By default, these permissions are hidden in the Manage developer permissions window, in order to enable visibility for this permission, follow below steps: 1.In the Navigation filter, enter sys_properties.list. 2.The entire list of properties in the System Properties [sys_properties] table appears. 3.Add the following system properties. com.snc.dd.manage_update_set_enabled Enables or disables display of the Manage Update Set permission in the Manange Developer Permissions window.The default value of this system property is false. To enable the display of this permission, set this value to true. com.snc.dd.publish_to_update_set_enabled Enables or disables display of the Publish To Update Set permission in the Manange Developer Permissions window.The default value for this system property is false. To enable the display of this permission, set this value to true. 4.Incase you want to know how to add a new property, click : Add a system property 5.Refer the documentation for more details : Delegate development and deployment permissions to personnel Display or hide update set deployment permissions