Sent emails do not display in the activity stream for certain usersIssue When a user views a record, they don't see the emails being displayed in the activity stream, even though the "Sent/Received Emails" is configured to be displayed on the activity stream.ReleaseAllCauseThis is due to the users not having the correct roles. The visibility of emails displaying in the activity stream is controlled by the system property glide.ui.activity.email_roles. In out of the box instances, this system property has the itil role configured.ResolutionTo allow users with other roles than itil to view emails in the activity stream, you can add additional roles (comma separated) you want these users to view emails in the activity stream by going to: Go to System Properties > UI Properties then update the value under Roles that can view email in the Activity formatter when including "Sent/Received Emails"Go to sys_properties table and look for the property glide.ui.activity.email_roles and update the value with additional roles