HTML type field is not editable in Agent Workspace but it is editable within the platformIssue In Agent Workspace, field of HTML type is not editable but within the Platform it is editable. In Platform. Open a record that has an HTML field.Notice how here it is editable.Open up Agent Workspace. Application Navigator ---> Agent Workspace.Open the record or create a new record.Notice that that HTML field is not editable. You may encounter the error within the browser console: '/scripts/tinymce_default/node_modules/sn-tinymce/js/tinymce/themes/modern/theme.min.js:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)'. ReleaseNew York.CausePlugin 'sn-custom-tinymce-scoped-app' is not activated within the instance where the issue is happening. This plugin is responsible for the skins, styling and themes for tinymce/HTML fields.ResolutionActivating the plugin 'sn-custom-tinymce-scoped-app' on the instances where the issue happens.