Azure Discovery not creating "Virtualized by:: Virtualizes" relationship Issue According to the document "Data collected for AWS and Azure Cloud Discovery", the discovery should create "Virtualized by:: Virtualizes" relationship. The issue is that the discovery is not creating relationship with Computer [cmdb_ci_computer] and [cmdb_ci_vm_instance] "Virtualized by:: Virtualizes"ReleaseTested in London, Madrid and Newyork.CauseTheory of updating the relationship: In the table "discovery_sensor", the sensor "Linux - Azure Relationship" is passing the "host-object-id" to the "findAndCreateRelationToVM" method of "DiscoveryAzureRelationshipSensor" script. This script is actually responsible for establishing the virtualize relationship.This method uses the value of "host-object-id" to query the "cmdb_ci_vm_instance" table using column "vm_inst_id" as query parameter. The payload that we receive after discovery doesn't have any "host-object-id" for the vm instances.It is only when a deep discovery is run on target vm, "host-object-id" comes in the picture but the vm record in "cmdb_ci_vm_instance" has no hold of this value in its "vm_inst_id" column.As such the creation of virtualize relation fails.Discovery runs the "", and based on the response we set "isAzure" flag to true or falseIf that "isAzure" returns true then only we run "Linux - Azure relationship" Probe from "Linux - Azure" Sensor Linux - Azure: https://<Instance Name> - Azure relationship: https://<Instance Name> In the "Linux - Azure relationship" probe, discovery try to run the SSH command - "sudo dmidecode | grep UUID". This is the place where we grab the UUID and build the UUID serial and map it to "host_object_id"In the "Linux - Azure Relationship" sensor, discovery use the "host_object_id" to query the cmdb_ci_vm_instance table whose "vm_inst_id" == host_object_id via the "DiscoveryAzureRelationshipSensor" Script Include Linux - Azure Relationship: https://<Instance Name> https://<Instance Name> Root Cause: The Discovery search in "cmdb_ci_vm_instance" table for a record whose "vm_inst_id" value is equal to the "host_object_id" value which we get from "sudo dmidecode | grep UUID" SSH command (probe). "vm_inst_id" is populated for a VM instance record via Response Processors (also known as TRANSLATORS in CMP world) and in the CI in the issue pointed to, vm_inst_id is "00abc" but host_object_id is "abc". The response from Azure itself is differing due to which it cannot find the exact record.ResolutionUpdate the query discovery making in the "DiscoveryAzureRelationshipSensor" script include FROM vmGlideRecord = new GlideRecord('cmdb_ci_vm_instance');vmGlideRecord.addQuery('vm_inst_id', vmInstance);vmGlideRecord.query(); TO vmGlideRecord = new GlideRecord('cmdb_ci_vm_instance');vmGlideRecord.addQuery('vm_inst_id', 'IN', [vmInstance, '00' + vmInstance]);vmGlideRecord.setLimit(1);vmGlideRecord.query();Related LinksIf the IsVirtual flag is not marked there are no relationships will be created.If the "sudo dmidecode | grep UUID" command fails, please fix the issue at the permissions level and get the IsVirtual flag marked.