Unable to add affected CIs after change moves to assess stateIssue Prior to the Orlando release, change management users were able to add affected CIs to a change AFTER the New state (for example, during the Assess state). This has changed since then : https://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=c_AffectedCIsAndImpactedServices.html&version=latestCauseThere is a script include called 'ChangeProposed' which checks if the state is new or not and sets that ui action add accordingly This functionality of checking the state is new or not mentioned in the isNew() in the script include.ResolutionThis is the expected behaviour according to the mentioned document and the script include 'ChangeProposed' which has the function isNew() If your requirement is to have that Affected CIs to be added after the state is moved to Assess, you will need to customize this logic in the UI action and script include. Please find the link for the script include: 'https://<instancename>.service-now.com/sys_script_include.do?sys_id=34c5622bd70112002ba7b46c015203dc&sysparm_record_target=sys_script_include&sysparm_record_row=1&sysparm_record_rows=1&sysparm_record_list=scriptCONTAINScanAddCI%5EORDERBYname' Please find the link for the UI action : 'https://<instancename>.service-now.com/sys_ui_action.do?sys_id=77688cfe6f35f100e5f2b3312e3ee4e6&sysparm_record_target=sys_ui_action&sysparm_record_row=2&sysparm_record_rows=7&sysparm_record_list=nameSTARTSWITHadd%5EtableSTARTSWITHtask%5EORDERBYorder'