Unable to discover Oracle RAC during the Application Service discoveryIssue Oracle RAC discovery during the Application Service discovery fails with the below error.• 12/02/2020 11:30:03 AM: Service Mapping triggered the horizontal discovery to find the host because this host was not in the CMDB. The horizontal discovery failed. is not a reachable host (no response to target ports scanned by MID).ReleaseInstance enabled with Service Mapping and Discovery.Cause The is a NAT IP address that the Oracle RAC application uses and this NAT IP address are not routable, hence not reachable from the MID Server and the traffic-based discovery is following the NAT address. ResolutionCreate a new translation rule in cmdb_ci_translation_rule table.Translation rules are used for IP address and port translation during the mapping process to allow access to unreachable destinations. (Example: convert to Use Basic mode to create simple IP: Port translations, or Advanced mode to create elaborate scripts.source= NAT IP addresstarget= Actual hidden IP addresses Enter the port information, if you have specific ports configured.Navigation to cmdb_ci_translation_rule Re-discover the application service, the traffic-based discovery will now pick up the Hidden IP address and the discovery would be successful.