Hardware asset records created automatically in bulk by a specific user inexplicablyIssue There are many hardware asset (alm_hardware) records created in the system, all created around the same time, which say created by a specific userCauseAn out of the box business rule "Sync model category" was triggered, and it called createMultipleAssets function in AssetandCI script include https://<instancename>.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=sys_script.do?sys_id=409df999ef23300035c61ab995c0fb7b This business rule will be triggered when a user updates the model category field on cmdb_model record. This business rule will call createMultipleAssets function in AssetandCI script include. What happens here is that, since the model categories for the model is updated, it will go to those model category records, check the CI class and if "Enforce CI verification" is NOT true, in that case it will go ahead and create assets for all those CI's which have assets missing. if Enforce CI verification" is true, in that case it will not create assets automatically https://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=t_CreatingAssetsManually.html&version=latest