Additional Fields are greyed out when you configure Issue ID with a pill in "Update Issue" action in Flow Designer for Jira Spoke Issue You are creating an "Update Issue" Action in Jira. You are configuring the Issue ID with a pill, like in the attached printscreen. You are noticing that the Additional Fields is greyed out (see same printscreen) Note: For the case in which your Issue ID contains the static Issue ID in Jira please follow this article.ReleaseAllResolutionTo overcome this, you will need to add an action in the flow before the Update Issue action. This action is called "Generate Encoded Query" and is part of Utility Actions Spoke. 1. Go to Plugins and install Utility Actions Spoke. 2. Once the spoke is installed, go to Flow Designer and create a new flow. Create a trigger. then 3. Add an Action: Generate Encoded Query in which add the desired field 4. Then created an action (ex: Update Issue) In this example I populate Issue ID with : Trigger - Record Created or Updated➛...➛Correlation ID Then I am able to drag and drop the Encoded query from : Encoded Query ➛...➛ Encoded Query 6. Save and test