Device Type Disk (cmdb_ci_disk) on window server the "Description" attributes not populated for all windows server Issue Device Type DISK(CMDB_ci_disk) on window server. the following attributes not populated for all windows server which is discovered by ServiceNow. Pattern Name: Windows OS - ServersStep Name: Insert data to cmdb_ci_disk tableFiled not populating: "short_description"Issue: No mapping found for description(short_description). According to the Windows discovery documentation, the Description filed need to be populated, but the Pattern is not updating the same.ReleaseLondon P*, Madrid P* and Newyork P*CauseExecute discovery on any of the Windows CI and observe the related links storage, the disks will not be having "Description" populated.The "Windows OS - Servers" pattern has an issue in populating the description as the name of the CI attribute was not used properly.ResolutionPrior to Windows version 2012. Change the "description" to "short_description" as per the CI specification in step 25.74 for Windows OS - Servers pattern. Windows version 2012 and further. Modify the step 25.42 "Get disks from MSFT_Disk" to include "FriendlyName" while querying as that contains the description and is used in further steps but it was missing in the query.