Project task link state mapping with Change request state. How does the Project Task get Closed?Issue Project task link state mapping with Change request state. How does the Project Task get Closed?ResolutionEssentially, the Review state is not mapped to a Closed state but since it populates the Actual End Date, the Project Task/Link is getting set to Closed Complete.Please review below:If we do any updates in a Change Request then "Update Project Link" BR will execute and eventually "copyChangeInfoToLink" function of "ProjectTaskLinkUtils" script include will invoke and copy the mentioned fields from the Change to the Project Task Link, then the "getBucketForState" function is used to find any bucket for the Change Request state and then it will map to the Project Task Link's state. If no match is found, it will not update that field.This is what happens with the Review state. No match is found and is not updated (here at least).Specific to the Question: When a Change Request is moved to Review then the Project Task Link and Project Task is moving to Closed state, why?When you move a Change Request state to "Review" then the "work_end (Actual End Date)" field will be populated in the Change Request which is copied to the Project Task Link. When the "work_end (Actual End Date)" field is populated in the Project Task Link, then the "Update State On Actuals - Projects" Business Rule will execute and will moved to Closed state and the same will rollup to their parents meaning that the Project Task also will move to a Closed state.In the Project Management world, if a tasks Actual Start Date is populated then it will be in Work in Progress and when Actual End Date is also populated then the task is Closed.