Some System Properties records which have the Private option selected, were skipped during an upgradeIssue After an upgrade, several sys_properties records appeared in the Skipped Changes to Review list from the Upgrade DetailsIn this case, there were 4 System Properties records:1) glide.smtp.auth - (sys_properties_4b51fef30a0a0b613d3d7d31b5b1a45e)2) sn_appclient.logging.verbosity - (sys_properties_d0ae6e20d730310092610eca5e610398)3) - (sys_properties_7c6aa3eec0a801661201fd1851650d00)4) glide.ts.version - (sys_properties_f5b17cc4c33030006568506adfba8f11)ReleaseNew York patch 4 hf 2CauseThis is expected behavior for some system properties which have the Private option selectedRelated Links"Set this property to true to exclude this property from being imported via update sets. Keeping system properties private prevents settings in one instance from overwriting values in another instance. For example, you may not want a system property in a development instance to use the same value as a production instance."(