Dashboard are not loading properly. The page displayes 'Add widgets using the widget picker'Issue The 'Portfolio Manager Dashboard' is not loading as expected. The page displays 'Add widgets using the widget picker' Login to the instanceIn the navigation pane, search for 'Portfolio Manager Dashboard'The page displays as below CauseGo to the pa_tabs.list table and confirm whether the tabs linked to the 'Portfolio Manager Dashboard' have been correctly specified.If the tabs have not been created correctly, you might observe 'empty' in the 'Page' field. ResolutionVisit the 'pa_tabs.list' and look for tabs related to the 'Portfolio Manager Dashboard' by filtering under the 'Name' field. The tabs should be appropriately specified, similar to the screenshot provided. Examine each tab individually to confirm that its page has been properly defined. Retrieve the specifics regarding the creation of a new tab for any dashboard. When a 'New Tab' is created under any dashboard, the 'pa_m2m_dashboard_tabs' table has a new record inserted with 'New Tab' detailsAdd 'tab' field in 'pa_m2m_dashboard_tabs' table using the gear icon and we could see the 'New Tab' under the 'tab' fieldWhen clicking on the 'New Tab' under the 'tab' field, it will route to 'pa_tabs.list' tableThe 'pa_tabs.list' will consist of 'Name' as well as the 'Page' details.