How to enable the Vulnerability Group Rules form fields that are not available after upgrade to Vulnerability Response v10.0The Vulnerability Group Rules (VGR) form views have been revised in the Vulnerability Response v10 release.If you have customized your group rules form, the new fields are not available and your customized version may no longer work to create new rules. Customization prevents some updates from taking place. Existing customized rules still work but, since they are displayed in the new form, some fields may no longer be visible. Role required: admin Steps to upgrade the Vulnerability Group Rules UI form view: Note: This procedure removes all customizations. If you want to keep a record of what existed before upgrade, make a note of the existing forms. However, customization of the new form requires ServiceNow expertise. 1. Navigate to System Applications > All Available Applications > All. 2. Find the application "Vulnerability Response" using the filter criteria and search bar. 3. Click the menu icon ( ) on the application tile, and then click View upgrade history. 4. Under the Skipped Changes to Review tab, apply the filter shown in figure below to get the UI Section files which were skipped for Group rules. (Filter: Target name =Vulnerability Group Rule and Type =Form Layout) 5. Revert all these UI Section files to base system. (Note: This step will remove all the customizations done on the UI sections) 6. Verify that there no more UI Section files under Skipped Changes to Review tab with this filter (Target name =Vulnerability Group Rule and Type =Form Layout). 7. Navigate to Vulnerability Response -> Administration -> Vulnerability Group Rules. 8. Click on New button. 9. Reload the group rules view to see the changes. For a new group rule record, form view should match to the figure below.