Giving delegation approvals to end-users is not working as expectedDescriptionGiving delegation role to a user without any roles is not working. Steps Taken In OOB:- Created a workflow added an approval activity, added the Approver as the "Manager of the Requestor" ( ${request.requested_for.manager} ).- Added 2 delegates to the manager of the requestor say ' X ' &' Y '.' X ' delegate has roles. ' Y ' delegate without any roles.- Ordered the item and observed that the approval was not created for the delegate (Y) who doesn't have any role.- Observed that it is an expected behavior.Release or EnvironmentALLCauseApproval Role is not given to the userResolution- The user without "approval_admin " role will not be able to get approval requests.- After giving the "approval_admin "role to user the approval request will be created under his/her name.Additional InformationTo know about the delegate approvals & Approval roles use the below links: Delegate approvals Base system roles