Logo of instance getting set to service now default logo after Newyork patch 6 upgradeIssue We have noticed that our instance banner logo was replaced by the ServiceNow logo after the New York patch6 upgrade. CauseThere are two system properties that can be used to set the banner image -- "glide.product.image" and "glide.product.image.light". The latter is used specifically for UI16 and, if set, will override the value set in the former. In your case, prior to the upgrade, a value was set for "glide.product.image" but not for "glide.product.image.light". During the upgrade, the "glide.product.image.light" property must have been reset to the OOB value. This most likely occurred because you upgraded from a release that used the older logo.ResolutionTo clear the value of the "glide.product.image.light" system property follow the steps below:1. Open a list view of system properties by selecting System Properties > All Properties in the application navigator2. Filter the list where Name is "glide.product.image.light"3. Open the "glide.product.image.light" system property record4. Clear the Value field and Save