Serial Number field not populated for Hyper-V server which is hosted on a Windows Server (Patterns)DescriptionThe platform OOB does not populate the serial number field when the Hyper-V server is hosted on a Windows server. For standalone Hyper-V servers, the serial number will be the system device serial number and will be populated when the CI is created.Steps to Reproduce Run a discovery on Windows server on which the Hyper-V server is running.The Windows server CI is created and it creates a Runs on:: Runs relationship with the Hyper V server (Windows server runs Hyper-V).Access the Hyper V server record.It does not contain the serial number information.WorkaroundThis is expected behaviour. If needed to have a Serial Number on the Hyper-V Servers, the workaround consists in the following changes: In the Windows OS - Servers pattern -> Step 36, add the following:Target field: serial_numberValue field: $cmdb_ci_win_server[].serial_number + " - hyper_v_server"This provided format is to keep the uniqueness of the serial number. Using a simply put value $cmdb_ci_win_server[].serial_number instead, the serial number of the Hyper-V server would be the same as the one of the Host machine, creating issues in the identification stages.In the Pre/Post Pattern script OSs - Pre Sensor, change line 173 from:for (var ciKey in mainCis){discoveredServer = mainCis[ciKey].values;handleHardwareInformation(mainCis[ciKey].lookup);handleCpuInformation();handleOSInformation();}to:for (var ciKey in mainCis){discoveredServer = mainCis[ciKey].values;if(mainCis[ciKey].className != 'cmdb_ci_hyper_v_server'){handleHardwareInformation(mainCis[ciKey].lookup);}handleCpuInformation();handleOSInformation();}NOTE: this code should be tested and reviewed in a Sub-Production environment before implementing into a Production environment.Related Problem: PRB1375825