How to hide cascade varialbes on the multiple catalog items in order guideSummaryAn order guide can contain rules that indicate multiple catalog items to be included in a request, and some of these catalog items may share similar variable sets. To avoid having the user fill out the same fields for each included item, the user will be prompted to provide the information once as part of the order guide. If the Cascade Variable option is enabled, the common variable values will be automatically populated on each item. Furthermore, to keep the user interface uncluttered, the redundant variables on each item may be concealed.InstructionsTo do this, create an Onload catalog client script and Make sure that the Isolated script field is unchecked. function onLoad(){var item = $("current_item");var guide =$("sysparm_guide");if(item != null && guide != null && item.value == guide.value)return;g_form.setDisplay('VARIABLE_NAME',false);} Related LinksOrder Guide - Hide Cascading Variables, for Service Portal and Desktop, in single client script - No Direct Access to DOM Cascade an order guide variable