Story points not calculating correctly on Agile Board/Sprint Planning tab/Sprint FormIssue When a Sprint is completed, selecting 'Complete Sprint' will calculate a total of Sprint points (completed, incomplete, cancelled). You may see that there are 0 points calculated, although you know this to be untrue. This also addresses an issue where new Stories are created for Sprints and Points do not roll up to fields like 'Current Scope Points'. CauseEnsure that the rm_story.state Dictionary Override 'attributes' values include 'completed_states' value '3' and 'cancelled_states' value '4'. The full OOB attributes value of the rm_story.state Dictionary Override should be: completed_states=3,cancelled_states=4,close_states=3;4,default_close_state=3,default_work_state=2,default_open_state=1,default_pending_state=-6,pending_states=-6,open_states=1,work_in_progress_states=2;-7;-8 If your attributes values were updated before a version update, you may not have all necessary attribute values. Additionally, the ScrumUtils and ScrumStatesUtil Script Includes should be OOBResolutionIf your rm_story.state Dictionary Override attributes values are not as shown above: Navigate to any Story record (or navigate to in the grey header and select Configure > DictionaryClick the 'state' field (column_name=state)In the related lists, select Dictionary OverridesSelect the state Dictionary Override (for table= rm_story)Ensure that the Override attributes field is checkedEnsure that Attributes is: completed_states=3,cancelled_states=4,close_states=3;4,default_close_state=3,default_work_state=2,default_open_state=1,default_pending_state=-6,pending_states=-6,open_states=1,work_in_progress_states=2;-7;-8UpdateRelated Links*Note: If you have updated your Dictionary Override for rm_story.state to only include 'close_states', and 'completed_states' is not an attribute, you will see this issue. Please ensure that both, completed_states and cancelled_states attributes exist.