PA Data collection job "Benchmark Data Collection" generating errors in daily data collection logsIssue Data collection job "Benchmark Data Collection" generating error as"Error during JavaScript evaluation JavaScript evaluation returned: Infinity in script: var normalizedScore = function(metric, normalizedValue) {" Cause1. An "Infinity in script" error typically indicates that a script ran an operation that attempted to divide by zero. 2. The indicator generating this error is "Benchmark: Normalized customer satisfaction">> https://<instance-name> 3. This indicator calls the indicator script "Benchmark.MetricResult.NormalizedScore" >> https://<instance-name> 4. On the script above Line 14 is the only place where this script does any division operations. One of these is division by the "asmtScale" variable. In Line 11, we can see that this variable is assigned the value of the scale_factor field on the asmt_metric_type tableczdcdvv 5. There would be atleast 1 record where "Scale factor" field has a NULL value on table "asmt_metric_type" , causing the error.ResolutionPopulate the "Scale factor" field of the asmt_metric_type records to a non-zero value