Edge Encryption Proxy Will not Come to Status Online After Restart and edgeencryption.log Shows Error: Error occured during proxy startup: Default 128 bit key not foundIssue When attempting to start an Edge Proxy it will not come to Status Online. When checking the logfile at <proxy_installation_directory>/logs/edgeencryption.log the following error is seen: 2020-02-15 13:53:25,050 INFO Proxy "Edge Proxy1" successfully retrieved keys from the ServiceNow instance "https://<instance-name>.service-now.com:443"2020-02-15 13:53:25,318 INFO Registering keystore key <encryption key name> of type AES with length 1282020-02-15 13:53:25,547 INFO Registering keystore key <encryption key name> of type AES with length 2562020-02-15 13:53:25,547 ERROR Error occured during proxy startup: Default 128 bit key not found When going to Edge Encryption Configuration > Encryption Key Configuration > All Keys - there is at least one record with Key size = 128 bits and State = Available defined there.CauseThere is no Default 128-bit Encryption Key defined on the instance. It is required that a 128 bit Default key is specified on the instance.ResolutionLog in to the instance using the regular non-Edge Encryption URL with a user that has security_admin role and select to "Elevate Roles", select the security_admin checkbox and OKGo to Edge Encryption Configuration > Encryption Key Configuration > Set Default KeysClick on "Next Step" until you get to the "Change Default Keys"For "Default Key 128 bits" select the 128 bit key that you want to be the Default encryption keyOptional if using a 256-bit key: for "Default Key 256 bits" select the 256-bit key that you want to be the Default encryption keyClick SaveStart the proxy again