Getting Null Pointer Exception in Performance Analytics WidgetIssue After NewYork upgrade we observed for some dashboards its throwing Null pointer exception. STEPS TO REPRODUCE: 1. Access the Dashboard2. Navigate to relevant TAB - Process Reports3. You can observe the Null Pointer Exception Errors. ReleaseNEWYORKCauseThe Widgets that are affected are HAVING.1. The Indicator associated having the UNIT as %2. And the Time Series Aggregation that is selected is "By month SUM+" INDICATOR - UNIT: TIME SERIES AGGREGATION Resolution1. The error is appearing because an incorrect Time Series(aggregate) "By month SUM+" is selected for these widgets. "By month SUM+" is not a valid option for indicators having the unit as %.2. If you open any of these pa_widget records which is having the issue, and remove the value on Time Series field and then try adding it back, you will notice that the option is not available for selection:3. If you have a valid selection in the Time Series field of the pa_widget records, you will not face this issue.4. It looks like in New York, the widget fails to load as it has an additional validation.